Welcome to The Untamed Garden. Whether you’re here for the dahlia seeds or gardening inspo, we’re so pleased you found us. Born out of a friendship between a dahlia addict and a wild gardening enthusiast, we are a small independent flower seed seller and gardening hub, based in Surrey, England. We specialise in dahlia seeds and we want everyone to experience how rewarding it is when you untame your dahlias and discover your own beautiful one-of-a-kind blooms. So check your calendar for our next dahlia seed sale and take a look around for gardening tips and advice to inspire your own untamed journey.
Untamed Dahlia Seeds
Our story...
We are Pam and Claire, two chaotic gardeners who embrace the wild, the unruly and the beautifully unexpected side of gardening.
Pam is a diehard dahlia fan and a children's mental health practitioner from Alaska. Now living in the UK, her keen interest in growing dahlias in her garden, has escalated into a full-blown obsession. Pam grew her first dahlias from seed around five years ago, and she hasn’t looked back.
Claire’s love of dahlias kicked in when she saw how the allotment dahlia patch was not only stunning but also covered with bees. An English journalist and wild gardening enthusiast, for her watching borders teaming with life and being surprised by wildflowers among the weeds beats a super neat garden every time.
We hope you'll join us in discovering the surprises and rewards when you untame your dahlias - and your garden.